
About Me
Vision after Forty

Hello. My name is Lori Frank. I’m fifty-two years old. I had perfect vision until I turned forty-one years of age. It’s funny; you often hear how one's vision starts to change at forty. Well, I can tell you that statement sure has held true for not only me but friends and family too. I never worried about going for yearly eye exams until I noticed that it was getting harder to read road signs when driving. I got my first pair of glasses when I was forty-one, and I’ve been averaging a new prescription at least every other year since. I want to share some of my experiences when it comes to eye exams. I was frightened and wanted to put it off, but there’s really nothing to be afraid of. Moreover, to make things better, eyeglasses are a trend these days!


Temporary Vision Loss: Common Causes And Treatments

26 October 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Vision loss, especially when sudden, is frightening. Most types of vision loss typically have gradual progressions, however, certain causes may come on suddenly. If you experience a sudden loss of vision, especially if accompanied by other signs and symptoms such as a severe headache, eye pain, neck pain, facial or eye drooping, or numbness and tingling in your arms, seek emergency medical attention. Here are some common and benign causes of temporary vision loss and what you can do about them: Read More …

Why Your Children Should Have An Eye Exam Done When They Are Young

16 July 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Taking care of a baby or small child can often feel like a full-time job. Not only do you have to keep watching them, but you also have to make sure they are fed, clothed, and cleaned virtually every single day. When you add regular medical check-ups, especially when they are newborns, to the list of things to do you may be wondering if you should schedule an eye exam if it is not medically required. Read More …

What You Should Do To Care For Your Vision This Winter

3 December 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Winter dryness can affect every part of your body, including your eyes. Your eyes can dry out and lead to eye strain and eventually poor vision. Dry eyes can be caused by the weather around you, or it could be dry in your own home. Your eyes may also dry out if you're consistently using a heater at work, in your car, or even at home. If you don't care for your eyes properly this winter, you could end up harming your vision. Read More …

How To Treat Pink Eye At Home

10 August 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Pink eye is an infection of the eye. It is usually diagnosed by it's noticeable symptoms such as oozing, crusting, pain, redness and swelling. Pink eye is very contagious and can easily spread to others. This is why if you do have pink eye, you should seek treatment from your ophthalmologist or ophthalmology office, and stay away from others (keep children home from school) until the eye is better and the infection begins to heal to prevent spreading it around. Read More …

Eye Doctors Can Help Those With Persistent Eye Styes

12 May 2020
 Categories: , Blog

The common nature of an eye stye may make it seem like a minor issue for most people. And in most cases, a stye is generally not something that will cause eye issues. However, there may be a time when a persistent or large stye needs to be assessed by an eye doctor to ensure that it isn't problematic. Styes Can Be Very Uncomfortable The small red bump of a stye on the eye is a common problem for many people. Read More …